Sales Conditions
1. Minimum order quantity.
Quantity of the order can't be smaller than one houndred grams of goods.
2. Form of payment.
When the order is prepared, we will send to customer Pro Forma Invoice.
Payment should be done over seven days from receiving pro forma invoice.
If not, prices of some articles can be changed(as a result of flux silver prices on the world-exchange).
3.Time of realization.
The order will be realized from one to three days - after receiving a payment.
In case of luck proper quantity of articles in store, time of realization can be a little longer.
We inform customer about this situation.
4. Shipping.
We send the package with articles and invoice with courier ( UPS ).
Cost of carriage cover the customer.
5.Terms of warranty.
In the interest of maintaining good relations and satisfaction of our client we inform
that in case of reported complaint, we commit ourselves to a fair assessment of the situation and exchange
questioned lot.
The products offered are used as components of the jewelery, and are sometimes subject to assembly
intensive mechanical manipulation.
Maintaining the constant required strength of the elements, it hampers the variability of the purity
parameter of the purchased raw material (silver) used in production.